Job Opportunity

Falkirk’s Mental Health Association (FDAMH)

Media and Arts Coordinator

21 hrs/wk; £17K/annum pro rata

Contract type: Fixed term for one year (with intention to continue subject to funding)

Our Arts and Media Group is flourishing and we are now seeking a dedicated worker to take this project forward! FDAMH is a recovery-focused organisation and Arts projects are proving to fit well within this ethos.

Building on current success you will coordinate the existing Arts and Media Group and expand and develop the arts opportunities available at FDAMH further. Your work will assist people on their recovery journeys and will, at times, provide an effective means to raise awareness in the wider community about mental health issues. You will work with group members and those wishing to be involved in arts activities to develop, organise and deliver groups, events and performances in collaboration with the tutors and volunteers that you have recruited. Whilst an excellent understanding of the Arts is essential, organisation, coordination, problem-solving and supporting and enthusing people using the projects are key roles. Excellent  interpersonal skills and the ability to remain calm under pressure are essential for this challenging but intensely rewarding role.

Full details are available on FDAMH’s website:

Application deadline: Wednesday 24th June at 5pm.