
Central Scotland’s Open Studios & Art Event

ABOUT Forth Valley Art Beat:

Artists & organisations across Central Scotland host a variety of events from open studios, installations, temporary public artworks, pop-shows, performance, exhibitions in galleries and community spaces during our annual event.

FVAB first began in 2010 as Forth Valley Open Studios, with it later forming as Forth Valley Art Beat to encompass its full range of activity. The event continues to be one of the largest cultural events celebrating creativity across the Forth Valley.

The usual nine day event is organised around a number of coloured mapped routes.  Usually around 100 artists participate each year across more than 50 venues.  Our free event brochures are displayed throughout the area alongside additional promotional materials.    A mobile friendly website, IPhone, IPad & Android applications were launched in 2013 and continue to be updated each year.

Five visitor highlights:

  • Diversity/Variety of art work
  • Discovering new artists
  • Visiting studio’s & talking to artists
  • Buying art
  • Learning from artists

We asked visitors to answer questions regarding the effects FVAB has on the community. A massive 91.5% of Forth Valley respondents said that they did feel proud about the Forth Valley area, this demonstrates a positive influence from FVOS. Almost three quarters of respondents agreed that FVOS made them feel like part of the community while 96.4% of all survey respondents felt that FVOS had increased their knowledge of art in the Forth Valley area. Comments included; “artists working in the local area enriched the life of those living in the community”.

In 2021 we began to introduce projects involving artists working in public outdoor spaces, alongside a commitment to encouraging sustainable active travel choices as ways to navigate the many different locations, with an ‘ArtCycle’ programme curated by Rosy Naylor, which is due to run again in 2022.

Read more About Us here

Read more About ArtCycle 2021