Route 2


Ken Elliott

Sculpture, Metalwork

Opening Times

10-510-5Open by appointment onlyOpen by appointment onlyOpen by appointment onlyOpen by appointment onlyOpen by appointment only10-510-5

About the Artist

Large sculptural pieces, inspired by elegant forms found in the natural world, local culture and history, will be on display in an outdoor garden-based setting.

A selection of Ken’s preliminary sketches and maquettes will be presented as part of the guided tour of his studio/workshop.

Some work is for sale, commission enquires are welcome.

Ken combines his engineering and artistic skills to create one-of-a-kind pieces; he started with pen and ink hand-coloured drawings, moved on to computer-controlled wood carvings and now makes metal strip sculptures in aluminium, bronze and brass – varying in size from table-top sized items, approx. 10cm in height, to full exhibition sized pieces, at over 3m in height.

His sculptural style has developed over the past two years, producing increasingly more complex structures from his home workshop; membership of a local artists’ collective has enabled these to be exhibited in and around Stirling, including ‘Tree’, which can be seen as a permanent item in the gardens at The Stirling Smith, Dumbarton Road.

His current focus is on developing innovative sculptural ideas using only minimal sets of curved three-dimensional shapes, hand-formed in metal strips, using simple tools. The addition of moving elements in the sculpture, and interactive works with light, are also under development.

Smaller sculptures, wood carvings and drawings will be shown as part of a tour of Ken’s sculpture workshop; discussions about ideas for future work are warmly welcomed.


From M9 junction 9, head to Denny on the A872. Turn under the M80, signposted Northfield Quarry. Under the M80 then at T junction take first left then immediately left again. About 200m along the lane, third building, on the right hand side.


Northfield Cottage

Contact Details

Tel: 01324825914
Mobile: 07593606704
Email: [email protected]
Web: Visit 1 / Visit 2


